Pushed to the Limit: Double-Bunking and New Zealand’s Overcrowded Prisons
Cross-Examinationejp_commsConvention against torture, Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, corrections, corrections facility, double dunking, gaol, human rights, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, international law, jail, nelson mandela, penal, penitentiary, prison, prison reforms, prisons, United Nations
Cross-Examination: New Zealand's Rapidly Increasing Prison Population
Cross-Examinationejp_commsbail, bail laws, corrections, Department of Corrections, Mental Illness, minister collins, New Zealand, nz, olivia folu, parole act, prison, Sentencing Act
Amicus Curiae: "I did my waiting. 12 years of it. In Azkaban!" - The Department of Corrections and the Prison Sentence Blunder
Amicus Curiaeejp_commscompensation, corrections, court, Department of Corrections, fail, government, jasper lau, Judith Collins, justice, limitation act, minister of corrections, miscarriage of justice, New Zealand Bill of Rights Act, NZBORA, parole act, prison, Supreme Court