Pro Bono Publications
Each year EJP volunteers write articles, prepare submissions and conduct research into legal issues affecting the community. This work is often published or submitted for consideration to national and international committees.
Preventative Detention Orders Report
A symposium paper based on the Civil Detention Orders Symposium run by the Equal Justice Project (EJP) Human Rights team on 26th September 2012.
The symposium was organised as an overview of preventive detention and the human rights implications of such regimes, in light of the introduction of the Public Safety (Public Protection Orders) Bill 2012.
Submission to Law Reform Commission on ‘News and New Media’ Paper
A submission considering the Law Commission’s recommendations from the perspective of law students with a focus on ensuring that adequate consideration of human rights issues was made. The submission is also a contribution from the view of university students who necessarily interact and engage regularly with the ‘new media’ discussed in the recommendations.
Submission to the Law and Order Select Committee on the Corrections Amendment Bill
A joint submission between the Equal Justice Project and the Human Rights Foundation of Aotearoa New Zealand. The submission outlines concerns about both the constitutional and practical implications of the Corrections Amendment Bill from a human rights perspective.
Submission to the Transport and Industrial Relations Select Committee on the Immigration Amendment Bill
A joint submission between the Equal Justice Project amd the Human Rights Foundation of Aotearoa New Zealand. The submission considers the the Immigration Amendment Bill 2012 (the Bill) and was submitted to the Transport and Industrial Relations Select Committee.
Parallel Report to the UNCESCR on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
The Equal Justice Project provided assistance to the Human Rights Foundation of Aotearoa New Zealand on a shadow report to the New Zealand Government’s 3rd Periodic Report to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Submission to UPR Info on Universal Periodic Review
A joint analysis by the Human Rights Foundation and the Equal Justice Project. The chart details the progress made in relation to the Universal Periodic Review.
Report on the Treatment of Transgender Prisoners under the Department of Corrections
This report provides an overview of the legal position in New Zealand regarding the treatment of transgender prisoners. It concludes that the current policies of the New Zealand Department of Corrections are discriminatory and places transgender prisoners at risk of sexual assault and rape.