Posts in Cross-Examination
Pushed to the Limit: Double-Bunking and New Zealand’s Overcrowded Prisons
Cross-Examinationejp_commsConvention against torture, Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, corrections, corrections facility, double dunking, gaol, human rights, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, international law, jail, nelson mandela, penal, penitentiary, prison, prison reforms, prisons, United Nations
Sins of the Father: Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church and the Royal Commission of Inquiry
Cross-Examinationejp_commsabuse, anglican, catholic, catholicism, child, child abuse, children, Christianity, church, inquiry, islam, muslim, paedophile, paedophilia, pedophile, pedophilia, religion, religious, sexual abuse
The Euthanasia Bill: Everything You Need To Know
Better, Faster, Stronger, CRISPR: The Future of Gene-Editing and its Implications
Voluntourism and New Zealand: It's Time for Parliament to Intervene
Completed Research, Cross-Examination, Pro Bonoejp_commschild, child abuse, children's rights, exploitation, modern slavery, Pro Bono, slave, slavery, tourism, Volunteer, volunteering, voluntourism
Domestic Violence Victims’ Protection Act - a great leap forward?
Treating Mental Illness
Legislate Away the Hate: the Future of Conversion Therapy in New Zealand
Cross-Examinationejp_commsBill of Rights Act 1990, bisexual, BORA, gay, human rights, Legislative change, lesbian, lgbt, LGBTIA, NZBORA, queer, transgender
Clickbait Journalism and Media Regulation
Cross-Examinationejp_commsbroadcasting standards authority, Daily Mail, Facebook, Media, news, regulation, Social Media, Stuff, the herald, the news, the news media
Setting Targets for Child Poverty
Measuring Child Poverty
Exploring the Regional Fuel Tax
Let down by the system: What else can be done to protect sexual assault survivors in the criminal justice system?
The Madness of the Insanity Defence
Cross-Examinationejp_commsCrimes Act, criminal, defence, disease of the mind, insane, insanity, insanity defence, mad, madness, Reform, Sensible Sentencing Trust
New Zealand’s compliance with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
What is the Iran Deal? Why Did Trump Withdraw? Why Should You Care?
Cross-Examinationejp_commsamerica, britain, china, donald trump, foreign affairs, france, germany, international, international law, iran, iran deal, iraq, ISIS, mfat, middle east, ministry of foreign affairs and trade, nuclear, nuclear proliferation, Obama, peace, president, russia, syria, terrorism, trump, united states, united states of america, uranium, USA, weapons
Event & Research Paper: "Retribution vs Restoration" Symposium
Access, Cross-Examination, Events, Symposium Paperejp_comms2018, access, access team, mega prison, prison, prison reform, symposia, symposium
The Windrush Scandal: Institutional Racism Married with Decades of Governmental Error
Modern Slavery and Fast Fashion, a Match Made in Heaven?
Cross-Examinationejp_commsclothing, employment, Ethical fashion report, ethics, fashion, fashion industry, healh and safety, modern slavery, modern slavery act 2015, slave, slavery, unethical, women, worker rights, working conditions
The Housing Crisis in Auckland: A Discussion