Posts tagged te tiriti o waitangi
Cross-Examination: A Constitution for Aotearoa New Zealand?
Cross-Examinationejp_commsandrew butler, constitution, government, Jade Du Preez, law, New Zealand, parliament, politics, te tiriti, te tiriti o waitangi, treaty, Treaty of Waitangi, written constitution
Amicus Curiae: Divide and Conquer – The Problems with Auckland’s Proposed Unitary Plan
Amicus Curiaeejp_commsalf filipaina, arthur anae, auckland unitary plan, cameron brewer, Child Poverty Action Group, community housing aotearoa, cultural assessment impacts, dick quax, eugenia woo, governing body, historic heritage places, IMSB, independent maori statutory board, mana whenua, Maori representation, metiria turei, peeni henare, revised unitary plan, tamaki makarau, te tiriti o waitangi, treaty principles
Cross-Examination: Understanding the Opposition to the Te Ture Whenua Maori Bill
Cross-Examinationejp_commsalienation of maori land, Andrew Erueti, greens, Labour Party, maori affairs committee, Maori Land, maori land court, maori party, marama davidson, Marama Fox, meg williams, minister for maori development, New Zealand, New Zealand First, protection mechanisms, retention of maori land, te tiriti o waitangi, te ture whenua maori act, te ururoa flavell, utilisation of land, Waitangi Tribunal, whenua
Amicus Curiae: 620,000km of Separation - The Relationship Between the Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary and Treaty Settlements in NZ
Amicus Curiaeejp_comms1992 fisheries claim settlement, aotearoa fisheries ltd, chris ryan, compensation for lost fishing rights, kermadec islands, kermadec ocean sanctuary, kermadec ocean sanctuary bill, maori fishery interests, marine reserve, New Zealand Bill of Rights Act, sealord new zealand, te ohu kaimoana, te tiriti o waitangi, terrestrial parks, treaty settlements, United Nations
Amicus Curiae: A Brief Rundown on Why Raupatu (Land Confiscation) is Still a Live Issue
Amicus Curiaeejp_commscatherine delahunty, land confiscation, Maori, maori interests, maori land confiscation, meg williams, member's bill, native land, New Zealand, north island, patricia grace, public works act 1981, purchase ordinance 1846, raupatu, south island, te maunga railways land report, te tiriti o waitangi, wairarapa, Waitangi Tribunal