Hate Crimes in New Zealand: Why Do We Know So Little?
Investigating Taika Waititi’s claim: is New Zealand racist?
Amicus Curiaeejp_commsdemographics, Maori, nz european, Race, race relations, race relations commissioner, racism, Sir Bob Jones, sir peter leitch, Susan Devoy, Taika Waititi
Amicus Curiae: The 1.5 Generation and Asian Political Representation
Amicus Curiae: The Rise of Neo-Nazism
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Amicus Curiae: Free Speech vs Hate Speech - Where Do We Draw the Line?
Amicus Curiaeejp_commsAuckland University European Students Association, auckland university of technology, australia, AUT, Dame Susan Devoy, dame tariana turia, donald trump, Dr Don Brash, free speech, Freedom of Speech, hannah yang, hate speech, human rights, human rights act 1993, islamophobia, lgbt, misogyny, muslim, nazi, New Zealand, Professor Paul Moon, race relations commissioner, racial discrimination act 1975, racism, sexism, Sir Bob Jones, Sir Geoffrey Palmer
State of the Union: Trump's America
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Amicus Curiae: The Ethnicity Gap in Education
Amicus Curiaeejp_commsachieved, asian, decile, education, ethnicity, exams, excellence, high school, isabel ko, Maori, maths, merit, NCEA, nzqa, Pasifika, racism, school, schools, socioeconomic, STEM, white