Equal Justice Project

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Recruitment 2015: Volunteer Information

Volunteer & Group Descriptions for 2015

Find out from the mouths of our Managers themselves just what it is you'll be doing in EJP, and what they are looking for in volunteers!


The Communications team creates content to be published on the EJP website, within publications, and across social media platforms to foster active discussion of the law’s role in promoting social justice. We provide detailed, yet approachable, legal analysis as well as promoting the work of EJP across these forums. We also seek to advance EJP’s work through building and maintaining relationships between EJP’s teams, alumni and community groups.VolunteersThe Communications team are looking for a number of different volunteers in 2015:- Content Contributors with an interest in social justice issues as well as strong research and writing skills, although previous experience with legal research and writing is not necessary. These volunteers must be able to commit to produce two feature articles plus another, shorter, piece of work in 2015.- Editors, who will be dedicated to editing the content these volunteers contribute and who possess similar skills.- A graphic designer, who is able to produce multimedia content such as posters and info-graphics in order to enrich the layout of the website and EJP publications.- A social media liaison, who will be tasked with managing EJP’s Facebook and Twitter accounts. This person will have to be able to maintain a regular posting schedule, and will ideally have knowledge of search engine optimisation techniques.- Volunteers who are interested in and have experience with web design and development, in order to improve and maintain EJP’s internal and external websites.

Pro Bono

The Pro Bono team provides assistance to legal practitioners and community organisations.  Our volunteers provide research for a range of legal contexts, including submissions to both the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court, complaints to the United Nations Human Rights Committee and contributions to the review of New Zealand’s Constitution. Research undertaken previously has been on topics including  prisoner voting rights, civics education and the effect of crime on Maori communities.VolunteersWe are looking for volunteers who are committed, interested in legal research, willing to learn and passionate about helping people in need. Our volunteers should be comfortable with both independent research and ongoing collaboration with other Pro Bono team members. We expect volunteers to commit to undertake four projects in 2015. Other than that, we would love to get social, passionate, team players on board!


The Education team delivers a range of civics and legal education seminars to high schools and community groups around Auckland. In presenting these seminars, our volunteers are spreading awareness about legal rights and issues throughout the wider Auckland community. Volunteers benefit from being able to practically engage with a variety of legal areas including employment, consumer, family, privacy and police rights, amongst others.VolunteersEducation volunteers are dedicated and committed students who are excited about spreading awareness of legal rights and issues among the community. Having a willingness to passionately engage with the material and students is the most important quality for Education volunteers. Volunteers are expected to be able to commit to approximately one seminar presentation each half-semester, should be culturally aware and feel comfortable speaking in a variety of different communities around Auckland.


The Community team provides hands-on assistance to support the work of Community Law Centres and other similar legal organisations. Our volunteers have assisted at the Waitamata, Auckland Central and Otara Community Law centres by interviewing clients, writing case files, drafting letters and providing information and advice to the public, as well as providing support at the Pakuranga and Mt Albert Citizen's Advice Bureaus.Volunteers:The Community team is looking for students who are interested in social justice and who are able to work independently and use initiative. Applicants must be willing to commit to at least one shift every fortnight at their assigned centres.


The Outreach team raises awareness and encourages discussion of legal issues and challenges that arise in today’s justice system, both within the University and the wider community. We aim to do this by providing intellectually stimulating symposiums, and undertaking law reform projects such as bill submissions and legal research. In addition, we provide fundraising and active legal support to practitioners, organisations and community partners who share EJP's goals of equality, social justice and inclusivity.VolunteersVolunteers in Outreach should be enthusiastic and have a drive for social change. We expect our volunteers to commit 2-6 hours per week of their time. Ideally, you will have volunteer and other extra-curricular experience that is aligned with EJP’s vision, values and goals.